Complete real-time EMC/EMI solution

The Aaronia real-time EMC solution includes everything developers or manufacturers need for EMC pre-compliance testing: full frequency range, near and far field antennas, receive and transmit (immunity tests).
It enables EMC diagnostics in a completely new way, even during product design. For example, shielding problems can be localized and the success of countermeasures can be analyzed in the fastest thinkable way. This significantly reduces the time-to-market and thus also the financial effort in product design and development.

Patented technology:
Based on a completely new method of spectrum analysis, Aaronia measurement devices enable ultra fast RF and EMC measurement at a spectacular price.

With a sweep speed of > 3THz/s, unrivaled in the world, finding even extremely short duration interfering signals and their cause is no longer a problem. The determination of frequency and signal strength as well as the simultaneous display of several limit values significantly increases the speed of the measurement. Thus, Aaronia spectrum analyzers contribute decisively to the timely and EMC-compliant development of new products. All SPECTRANs and all antennas are developed, individually manufactured and calibrated at Aaronia in Germany. This guarantees the highest quality standards.

Another highlight is the associated RTSA-Suite PRO software, which uses new, innovative and patented procedures that significantly improve the workflow and evaluation of your measurement data.

Scope of delivery:
– MDF 930X active
– BicoLOG 30100
– HyperLOG 7060 with SMA cable
– PBS1 consisting of 5 probes and 1m SMB cable
– SPECTRAN® V6 ECO 150XA-6 with PreAmp and 3THz/s sweep speed option
– SMA cable, USB cable, Accessories, USB stick (RTSA suite PRO, instructions)

More Information
Country of Manufacture Germany
Estimated delivery time Delivery time (4-8 weeks as of May)
Frequency range 9kHz – 6GHz
Typ. level range -170 dBm to +23 dBm
Typ. precision base unit 0,5 ppm (optional 5 ppb)
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The complete realtime EMC/EMI outdoor package includes:
– SPECTRAN® V6 ECO 150XA with PreAmp and 3THz/s sweep speed option
– HyperLOG® 7060
– BicoLOG® 30100
– MDF® 930X
– PBS1 consisting of 5 probes
– SMA cable, USB cable, Accessories, USB stick (RTSA suite PRO, instructions)
– Outdoor case

Typical applications:

– Performing realtime EMC measurements
– Localization of interference radiation sources
– Estimation of interference field strengths
– Realtime verification of shielding and filtering measures
– Identification of faulty components
– Determination of spurious radiation sensitivities

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