Netherlands’ Electrosmog Authority Prefers User-Friendly AaroniaUSA RF Analyzers
Charles Claessens, notable Building Biologist and Representative of the Netherlands’ Advisory Council for Less Radiation (Adviesraad voor Minder Straling), tells AaroniaUSA he has sold all of his other broadband meters in favor of his collection of AaroniaUSA Spectran HF and NF Spectrum Analyzers, including the new AaroniaUSA Spectran HF V5 Real Time Spectrum Analyzer.
“As a building biologist, I work with AaroniaUSA Spectran Analyzers, equipped with various antennas and probes, on a daily basis. I have sold all of my other broadband meters, because I do not want to guess what I am measuring anymore.
With the Spectran V4 models, I use the free MCS software, and the adjustments are a piece of cake. The settings are pre-programmed for every frequency band, and you can change and adjust with just a mouse-click. You can see a waterfall, a day log, channel power, histogram, GPS, and demodulation. For most of the frequency bands, you can identify transmitters and the strength of their signals. You can adjust how many peaks you want to measure (up to 99), and the MCS automatically calculates the total of all chosen peaks in the unit of your choice.
Earlier versions (V2, V3*) there were sometimes some spurious signals. With the V4 these do not occur anymore. But the new Spectran HF V5 with the RTSA Suite software is a gem, and answered all wishes.”
-Charles Claessens, Adviesraad voor Minder Straling

The AaroniaUSA Spectran V5 Real Time RF Analyzer, featuring the World’s Fastest Real Time Spectrum Analysis Software, the RTSA Suite, is available now from AaroniaUSA. For more information on our complete line of portable, affordable, professional-quality RF and EMC spectrum analyzers, please call 214-935-9800 or email sales at
For a limited time only, the Spectran HF 8060 V5, along with other select handheld analyzers and antennas, are available for online order via our new Featured Product Shop. For questions regarding applications, custom upgrades, and technical notes, please contact our pre-sales application team or request a quote now.