As an RF consulting engineer at Calsat I needed a new reliable, portable and affordable RF spectrum analyzer for both shop and site work so I decided to try out the Aaronia HF60105 1MHz to 9.4GHz model.
Since receiving the HF60105 I have put the unit to task with a variety of applications, all with very satisfying results. Some of these applications have included certifying various common carrier and broadcast auxiliary service (BAS); amplifiers, associated transmission lines/cables and measured power; and frequency/modulation from a variety of transmitter types including:
• GMS, PMR, Link Research (2, 2.5, 6.4, 7 GHz)
• NuComm, MRC (DAR) (2, 2.5, 6.4, 7 GHz)
• Ikegami (6.4 GHz)
• Harris Farinon (7 GHz)
• And various hand-held portables (Icom U-16’s etc.)
I have also used the analyzer for site surveys, measured and documented RF spectrum segments, carrier levels, and azimuths. I have found the “logging” and “hold” features very helpful when trying to accumulate RF activity over large time spans (24/7), and it helps me to confirm and update site coordination reports from Comsearch for license documentation.
The HF-60105 has proven to be an extremely useful portable RF analyzer and I find the included MCS real-time PC software to be a very powerful addition. Together, they have basically replaced both my HP 8593E spectrum analyzer and HP 5342A frequency meter.
I’m really excited about this Aaronia HF60105 RF analyzer as it continues to find new applications here at Calsat.
Frank Foge, a Senior RF Broadcast Engineer at Calsat, has a BSEE and has worked with San Francisco bay area television (PBS, Cox, Independent) for over 50 years. He has also been a satellite/micowave RF engineer with 30 years in design, installation, alignment, restoration and repair.